Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bodybuilding the basics

Many people know body builders or have at least seen a body builder, but no one really knows what it takes to build your body. Not all bodybuilders have to be professionals, some people just enjoy their bodies being fit and built. Initially bodybuilding is the process of building muscle and maintaining very low; if any body fat. Many bodybuilders spend countless hours in the gym daily; they go to the gym in the morning for a few hours and then again in the evening. If body builders were competing in body competitions, then they would attend the gym three times a day. In addition, many people trying to build their bodies include supplementation in their routine, such as “creatine”, “weight gainer”, and “steroids”; which are illegal. Always be careful of the advice that you may receive regarding the proper supplementation for building muscle mass, you should know that many bodybuilders are against illegal drugs, such as steroids. Sure steroids have been know to build muscle faster, but they also tear down the muscle eventually and other important body organs as well. The supplement creatine is widely used and if used correctly can be somewhat beneficial in your task, but the best thing to do is to keep your routine natural and just take protein supplements and multivitamins. As far as where to start with building your body, there are many muscle magazines and newsletters out there for you. The best way to find this information is surfing the internet and you will find everything you need. Another idea for getting started would be to contact your local gyms and speak with some of the trainers, more than likely you will find a few trainers that are into bodybuilding and who will be able to guide you. Always consult an expert before taking on any new endeavors.

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