Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Various Ways Of Developing The Self

By Emily Tanner - Author of 'My Self Journey'
With the huge explosion of people developing their self esteem and making real differences in their once unhappy lives, it begs the question, which path is the right one for you? And before we consider which vehicle to use in order to fully develop your self confidence and identify your true self worth, you need to know which options are available to you. This article highlights some of the key areas for developing your self esteem.
Firstly, let's look at Life Coaching. Often available via an attendance course, accessible through published books or available through distance learning programmes, there are many ways that this can be used to develop your self worth. Many of these programmes focus on identifying your strengths and the things that you are good at. They also work on developing your positivity and aim to make you feel good about yourself. This then paves the way for you to develop further in whichever way you want, whether it be to start up your business or find you perfect partner, etc.
Secondly, there are educational studies which can be undertaken to improve your self confidence as well as your knowledge. These can be available via a home study course, evening classes or even through a work sabbatical. In some cases, employees will even support such a program if they see the benefit it will bring to you and the business. If you can justify that the process will bring further profits for the company, it is likely that your employer will support you financially throughout your training.
Another form of developing yourself, is through your mind. This is available in many forms such as through hypnosis, creative visualization and meditation. In essence, you picture the perfect scenario in your mind and believe that this is real. This may mean picturing a scene in your mind that you want to come true such as your perfect partner, or your body in perfect health or your dream house. This is often best done in a calm and quiet, often meditative, state. It is even possible to receive a procedure via a CD rather than attending a session or workshop and this can be worked on at home in privacy.
For those who have considerable emotional baggage from a different time in their lives that cannot be moved away from, sometimes therapy and counselling is required. This can be a great way for some individuals to unlock the past and move on in a specific area of their lives. Trained counsellors and therapists often work with individuals for an allocated period of time in order to unlock past problems that may be preventing the individual from moving forward.
Other forms of finding your inner strengths which are easily accessible through books, teachers and clinics and may be beneficial to certain individuals are aromatherapy, psychic healers, Tarot card readers, crystal therapy, Reiki healing, Angel divination, music therapy, dance and other creative expression, martial arts, religion as well as attending specific workshops tailored to your specific needs and requirements.
So, as you will see from the ideas above, there are many ways of unlocking your true potential and all these vehicles are merely a few ways in which you can develop yourself. It is through working on yourself, that you are then able to employ these skills not only to develop your self confidence but also to find your perfect job, perfect partner, develop a specific skill, increase your bank balance, create the perfect physique as well as remove potential disease from your body.
If you're not living the life you've always dreamed of having, then it's time to make a change. It's now your time to create a life filled with love, joy and harmony. Visit Emily's website today at: http://bit.ly/9PaJDW and release the power within you.
Emily has a BA (Hons) in Psychology and is the Author and Founder of 'My Self Journey'.

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