A lot can happen in 6 minutes. It's enough time to make or break a job interview, have great sex, or listen to all of Quiet Riot's greatest hits.
And in 6 minutes, you can find your six-pack abs.
Not with a CAT scan or an endoscope or a self-powered liposuction machine, but with an intelligent, well-balanced, and (most of all) easy eating plan made up of great-tasting foods. Not a fad diet. And no weird vacuum-sealed meals that have to be special-delivered to your home by the food police. Just sensible food that's fast and easy -- and isn't pushed through your car window by a guy in a paper hat.
Abs, after all, aren't made in the gym -- they're made in the kitchen. What you put into your mouth is far more important than what you put into your workout. For example, in an analysis of 33 clinical trials, Brazilian researchers determined that diet controls about 75 percent of weight loss. Of course, that doesn't mean exercise isn't an important part of the fat-burning formula. But if you want the fastest results, a smart eating plan is the foundation of your gut-busting program.
So that's why we're introducing the Abs Diet Arsenal: easy guidelines that can make you lean for life. They're based on my book The Abs Diet, which has guided more than a million people in making permanent changes in their food intake and fat output.
Too many diets are about rules and deprivation. And let's face it: Once you're told you can't have something, don't you just want it more? So I want you to stop thinking you have rules. I simply want you to rethink the way you eat. Follow the guidelines below and you'll feel what it's like to eat right, stay satisfied, and fuel your body with high-octane energy.
Because I believe abs, beer, and Star Wars movies aren't the only good things that come in sixes, I've developed six guidelines for the Abs Diet. Eat this way and you'll be able to ditch the old rules -- as well as your old body.
Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Eat six times a day.
Old diet systems ensure that you stay hungry by forcing you to eat a daily calorie count that's lower than Jessica Simpson's SAT scores. I don't want you hungry -- I want you full. When you're full, you won't be as tempted (or likely) to steamroll your way through pizza boxes.
And the way you'll get full is by eating six times a day, choosing from the nutritional heroes you'll meet below. By eating every few hours, you'll keep your metabolism revved and ensure overall stomach satisfaction. The great thing about the Abs Diet powerfoods is that, because they're high in nutrients, protein, healthy fats, and fiber, they make it almost impossible to overeat. Proper nutrition will leave you feeling satiated all day long.
How to do it: Eat three standard meals and three smaller snacks. For example:
11 a.m. SNACK
1 p.m. LUNCH
4 p.m. SNACK
6 p.m. DINNER
9 p.m. SNACK
I hope that you will LIke my Artical about How to Get six pack...Well same as i said above that you can do anything in six minutes so dont waste you time,its time to get Rip abs Go a head...!!
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